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associé/service das neue Künstler - und Kunstportal

27.04.2024, 09:55

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Profil utilisateur de: Karin Lutter Affiche toutes les images postées par Karin Lutter
surname: Karin
name: Lutter
Email: info at
Page Perso:
country: Germany
Enregistré depuis le: 09.11.2005
Dernière visite le: 15.04.2007 11:01
Commentaires: 1

1954 wurde ich in Letzlingen, in einer wunderschönen Heidelandschaft in Sachsen-Anhalt, geboren. Diese Landschaft hat mein Leben außerordentlich geprägt und meine Liebe zur Natur.

Erst 1996 begann ich, mich intensiv mit der Malerei zu beschäftigen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt besuchte ich auch die Volkshochschule, um Grundkenntnisse in der Aquarellmalerei zu erwerben. Von da an ließ mich die Malerei nicht mehr los.

2004 kam ein Studium Malerei an der Fernakademie in Hamburg hinzu, um meine Kenntnisse zu vertiefen.

Seit 2006 arbeite ich als freischaffende Künstlerin.

Vielleicht haben Sie Lust, sich ein wenig auf meiner Künstlerseite umzuschauen.


Karin Lutter


2003 Gemeinschaftsausstellung mit dem Zirndorfer Künstlerforum

I was born in 1954 in Letzlingen which is located in a magnificent meadowed landscape in the Province of Lower Saxony in Eastern Germany. This area has had a significant impact on my life in regard to my love for nature.
Our father played a huge part in this awakening to beauty by taking us four girls every Sunday on long walks through the forrests of our native habitat. To me, these were the most delightful and memorable experiences.

Because of the early death of our parents, my life took many and highly unusual turns and so I begun to discover my affinity for the arts rather late in life. Ever since 1996 I enjoy the fine art of painting intensively and with great gusto. At the same time I also startet classes at the \"Volkshochschule\", an institutional school for adult educational programs in order to gain a foundational knowledge in \"Aquarell\" (water colour) painting and from that point on, I was spellbound by it and unable to let go of it.

Step by step my knowledge in painting improved and by now I´ve accumulated a sufficient number of good paintings, which I have also been able to sell.

Perhaps you´d enjoy to leisurely step into my own website to take a look around. I wish to invite you to this little roundtrip and maybe after, you might feel enlightened enough to write a short critic, comment or be able to provide a suggestion or even better yet, an encouragement.

Thank you kindly,


Karin Lutter

Résultats: 8 image(s) sur un total de 1 page(s). Affiche: image 1 sur 8.
Markus Wolf (1998)
Markus Wolf (1998)
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 1
Krieg, 2003
Krieg, 2003
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0
Träume, 2002
Träume, 2002
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0
Stilleben mit Trauben, 2004
Stilleben mit Trauben, 2004
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0
Impressionen, 2004
Impressionen, 2004
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 1
Februarabend, 2003
Februarabend, 2003
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0
Am Strand, 2003
Am Strand, 2003
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0
Junger Nürnberger 2002
Junger Nürnberger 2002
(Karin Lutter)
Karin Lutter
(Top images)
Commentaires: 0



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